Washington: A Bangladeshi woman, who was blinded in an acid attack after she divorced her husband over his violent and unfaithful nature, said she has been forced to remarry him.

Nurbanu, the 36-year-old from Shatkhira in south west Bangladesh, had divorced partner eight days before the attack, after living 18 years together.


“My husband went into hiding. After 10 months he was caught and jailed for a year,” she said. According to the Huffington Post, now, she is back at home with him.

"His mother paid for his release on bail," she said, adding: "She made me sign an affidavit to have him released. She used my sons to convince me to marry him again.

"He threatened me and beat me a few nights back," she said. Monira Rahman, the CEO of the acid survivors association in Bangladesh, blogging for The Huffington Post UK said that ‘it`s time to stop women like Nurbanu suffering’.

"Having worked with survivors of acid and petrol attacks in Bangladesh for the past 14 years, I know that violence is a major obstacle for women’s ability to access their rights,” marking the international day for the elimination of violence against women, she wrote.

"Until women have real equality, they will continue to not only suffer the most from poverty but also be subjected to violence," she added. ANI