Quetta: The NATO and US troops have started withdrawal of their equipment from Afghanistan after more than ten years of war.
The US and its allies invaded Afghanistan to oust Taliban government in the aftermath of tragic incident of September 11, 2001. They are set to withdraw all their forces by the end of 2014, reports The Express Tribune.
Pakistan is a key transit route for the NATO mission in landlocked Afghanistan, from where it is driven to the border from the Arabian Sea port of Karachi.
Sources in frontier corps said that 50 trucks and armoured vehicles reached Balochistan`s capital Quetta from Kandahar, the Taliban`s previous spiritual headquarter amid strict security measures, on Tuesday evening.
They said levies and FC personnel guard the NATO convoy from Pak-Afghan border to Quetta. The convoy would leave for Port Qasim Karachi on Wednesday.
Sources said security in and around Chaman, Pakistan`s bordering town with Afghanistan was tightened following shifting of equipments.
Militants have attacked NATO supplies in different parts of Balochistan in the past. (ANI)