Chennai: Incessant rains on Monday lashed several parts of Tamil Nadu with clogged roads leading to traffic snarls and affecting free movement in the busy areas.


According to SkymetWeather, there is no threat of cyclone in the region.

Also Read: Pondy University declares holiday today due to incessant rain

According to the weather department, rainfall at many places in Tamil Nadu, south coastal Andhra Pradesh during next 24 hours is expected and over coastal and south interior Karnataka and Kerala during next 48 hours.

Earlier it was told that squally wind speed reaching 55-65 kmph gusting to 75 kmph would prevail along and off north Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and adjoining Pudukkottai and Ramanathapuram districts of south Tamil Nadu coasts during next 24 hours.

According to the meteorological department, the sea would be very rough along and off north Tamil Nadu and Puducherry and adjoining Pudukkottai and Ramanathapuram districts of south Tamil Nadu coasts during next 24 hours.

Fishermen have been advised not to venture into sea along and off north Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and adjoining Pudukottai and Ramanathapuram districts in Tamil Nadu.

Meanwhile, the heavy downpour in parts of Tamil Nadu dampaned the Diwali festive sentiments.

Firecracker shops are not logging any brisk sales despite Diwali, the festival of lights, is to be celebrated on Tuesday in Tamil Nadu.

Even sales of gold jewellery and coins is not brisk owing to the rains here.

The weather office said that Diwali may be no different with heavy rainfall likely in some areas along with isolated extremely heavy rainfall over North Coastal Tamil Nadu and Puducherry on Tuesday.

The festival of lights will be celebrated in Tamil Nadu on Tuesday.