Chennai: The once in century kind of floods has hit Chennai hard and it will be days if not months before the residents of the southern metropolis rebuild their lives.


One of the biggest problems faced by Chennaites was the lack of pure drinking water. With flood water contaminating all major water supply sources, lakhs of people faced the risk of contamination.

Sensing the need of the hour, Chennai based philanthropists R Bharaneswaran and Sendhil Thiagarajan donated 500 Livinguard™ Drinking Water Filters to those who needed it the most.

Each of these filters convert 100 - 120 litres of the highly contaminated flood water per day. That’s a total of 50,000 – 60,000 litres of pure, bacteria/virus free water, taking care of the needs of 35,000 – 40,000 people a day, without the use of any electricity.

Livinguard Technologies is a Mumbai based company that provides water purification solutions - convert water from dirty contaminated muddy source into potable water without the use of electricity - for as low price as 1 paise per litre.

Livinguard, in association with auto giant Mahindra, has launched a new service: The “Drinking Water Brigade”. These custom fitted vehicles can drive into any flood-hit area and purify up to 1000 litres an hour of contaminated muddy water, and can even store up to 300 litres for transport.

Livinguard has now written to the Tamil Nadu State Government seeking permission and support to provide pure, bacteria free water wherever needed.