Lucknow: Opposition members on Tuesday staged a walkout in the Uttar Pradesh Assembly accusing the state government of being "uncertain" about its investment policies.


As soon as Milk and Dairy Development Minister Ram Murti Verma told the assembly that no MoUs were signed in the NRI conclave held in Agra last month, the BJP members protested against the government's investment policies and staged a walkout.

"Talks on investment of over Rs 1,000 crore were held during the conclave. That will materialise subsequently," said the minister while replying on the behalf of Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav.

A total of 231 NRIs attended the conclave and they were apprised about the attractive policies of the state government, he said.

On being asked about the guidelines followed by the state to attract investments, the minister said that the NRI conclave was held on lines of the Centre's 'NRI day'.