Muzaffarnagar/Barabanki/Badaun: A minor girl was allegedly kidnapped and later gangraped by three youths in Khatoli town in Uttar Pradesh, police said on Friday. The 14-year-old girl was gangraped by three youths after they kidnapped her from Khatoli town in the Muzaffarnagar district on Thursday. Three accused identified as Rahul, Vikrant and Nitu kidnapped the girl when she was on her way to a friend`s place and gangraped her at a nearby house. A case has been registered against the trio, who are absconding.
In a separate incident, a minor handicap girl was allegedly raped by a tempo driver Omkar, 28, in Jahangirabad area of Barabanki on Thursday after which tension prevailed in the village, where heavy police force has been deployed to check any untoward incident. The police have arrested accused Onkar. In another incident in the same district, a married woman was raped by two men identified as Sonu and Basant Singh on Thursday when she was alone in her house in Kothi area.
In Badaun, a seven-year-old girl was raped in Ujhani area on Thursday by an unidentified person. The incident took place when the girl went to her field. Later, her family found her in the field writhing in pain in serious condition.