Washington: Even as the world continues to be shocked at the beheading of US journalist Steven Sotloff, the Islamic State militants have threatened to execute a British aid worker, David Cawthorne Haines, next.


The latest video titled “A Second Message to America” shows Haines wearing an orange jumpsuit with his hands tied behind his back and kneeling next to an Islamic state militant clad in black clothes.

Abducted in 2013 in Syria, Haines has worked as a security manager in South Sudan with Nonviolent Peaceforce, a civilian peacekeeping organisation and left after the end of the contract.

“He has a good sense of humour and really cares about people,” said Tiffany Easthom, the director for Nonviolent Peaceforce in South Sudan, the New York Post reported.

The Britain's Foreign Office is yet to confirm whether the hostage is Haines.

He was reportedly working with another organisation at the time of his abduction and has also worked in the military, as per news reports.

Haines is married to Dragana Prodanovic Haines and has a daughter.