Iowa: In the spotlight for her own high income, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton took a swipe at hedge fund managers again on Monday for earning much more than ordinary Americans and paying lower tax rates.


Speaking to about 60 supporters at a house party in Iowa, Clinton said "the deck is still stacked in favour of those at the top" like chief executives and hedge fund managers.

"In fact, I heard a statistic the other day that really made a big impact on me. The top 25 hedge fund managers together make more money than all the kindergarten teachers in America," she said.

Clinton, the Democratic front-runner for the presidential nomination in 2016, has previously criticized hedge fund managers as examples of the income disparity she says she wants to end.

Her latest comments came only days after news that the former secretary of state and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, have earned at least $30 million since January 2014, including more than $25 million for delivering about 100 speeches.

Clinton is on her second swing through Iowa, a state that holds one of the first party nominating contests and where she chose to campaign last month immediately after announcing her candidacy.

She told the gathering at Mason City, in the north of the state, that her early campaign stops had convinced her that drug

addiction and mental health issues should be a focus of her White House bid.

Clinton is due to discuss helping small businesses at an event at a bike shop on Tuesday.