Washington: In yet another indication that the race to the White House has tightened, Hillary Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, and her Republican rival Donald Trump are tied in 13 battle ground States with each scoring support of 42 per cent of the likely voters, a latest poll said on Sunday.


"The race across the combined battlegrounds is as tight as can be, tied 42 percent to 42 percent," CBS News said releasing results of its weekly tracking poll.

Clinton was up one-point last week, and was up two points back on Labour Day weekend, it said adding that voters in these battle ground States are still looking for change, while the partisan divide remains particularly deep.

The 13 battle ground States where the poll was conducted including North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Michigan, New Hampshire, Nevada, Ohio, Virginia and Wisconsin.

As per RealClearPolitics, which keeps track of all major national polls, Clinton is leading Trump by just 0.9 per cent in the average of national polls in a two-way race and by 0.7 percentage points in a four-way race.

The race is almost tied at the national level, with Clinton (46 per cent) leading Trump (45 per cent) by just one point in a poll released by Fox News.

"While the race is tight, some underlying attitudes about the candidates heavily favor Hillary Clinton, such as temperament and experience," says Democratic pollster Chris Anderson, who conducts the Fox News Poll along with Republican pollster Daron Shaw.

"These will likely become larger factors as Election Day gets closer and voters start visualising the candidates in office," they added.