Dubai: A female Saudi researcher has reportedly been appointed by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco) as a ‘Goodwill Ambassador’ to support science education, especially among girls.
According to the Unesco, Hayat Sindi’s nomination was “in recognition of her work to create an ecosystem of entrepreneurship and social innovation for scientists, technologists and engineers in the Middle East and beyond.” The nomination was also attributed to “her efforts to bring the youth closer to innovators and her dedication to the ideals and aims of the organization,” Unesco said.
According to Gulf News, the position will empower Hayat to ‘support science education, especially inspiring more girls to enroll in science subjects, and the visibility of Unesco’s natural sciences programmes.’
As a Unesco Goodwill Ambassador, she will also help mobilize funds through her professional network to support the agency’s priority activities, the organisation said. ANI