New Delhi: The attacker behind the deadly Florida nightclub shooting has been identified as 29-year-old US-born citizen Omar Mateen.


Here's what the ABC News and AFP have put out about him;

# Omar Mateen is accused of shooting dead at least 50 people and injuring 50 others at the Pulse Nightclub, a gay club in Orlando, Florida.

# Mateen's parents were born in Afghanistan.

# Mateen was "on the radar" of US officials for some time, but was not the target of a specific investigation.

# A police officer working at the club exchanged fire with Mateen at 2 am.

# Mateen then took hostages, holding them for hours.

# At approximately 5 am, a SWAT team shoots Mateen dead.

# Authorities are yet to rule out Islamic extremism angle.

# Mateen's father said that his son was motivated by hatred of gays and not by his Muslim religion.