Amman: Jordan is gearing up to welcome Pope Francis who is scheduled to visit the Arab nation May 24, his first visit since he was elected to the post.

The visit comes after the visit of Jordan`s King Abdullah II to the Vatican in August last year.


According to an official statement issued by the Jordanian royal court, both Christians and Muslims of Jordan are happy that the head of the Catholic church has accepted the invitation that was extended by King Abdullah II. 

Diplomatic relations between Jordan and the Vatican began in 1994, and together the two have worked on promoting dialogue and understanding between the followers of Islam and Christianity. 

During the course of his stay in Jordan, Pope Francis will visit the historical Baptismal Site of Jesus Christ. There, he will stand by the waters of the Jordan river and also visit the Baptism Church which is adjacent to the river. 

He will meet patients, people with disabilities as well as Syrian and Iraqi refugees at the Latin Church at the Baptismal Site.

This will be the fourth papal visit to Jordan.

Earlier, Pope Paul VI visited the country in 1964, Pope John Paul II in 2000 and Pope Benedict XVI in 2009.