Kuala Lumpur: The Malaysian premier has said that the mechanism the country used in finding a peaceful solution in the southern Philippines could be used as a template to resolve conflicts worldwide. "Even though other situations might be more complex, Malaysia``s approach could be put to use to find peace," The Star quoted PM Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, as saying at an international forum ahead of the Umno General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur. Sharing Malaysia``s role and experience as facilitator of the peace process in the southern Philippines, Najib said it is important that parties involved are ready to end conflicts and to make way for peace.
"There must be that mindset of wanting peace. They (the Philippines government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front) wanted to reconcile and find a peaceful solution.
When two parties quarrel, it is useful to find a third party which must truly be an honest broker," he said, adding that Malaysia was the honest broker trusted by both parties.
"Once you have that trust, the road towards peace and reconciliation will not be an arduous one," he said, adding that one way to create a culture of trust, peace and solidarity was to form a community of nations, citing the creation of the European Union and the NATO as examples that had resulted in decades of peace in the European continent.
"With an Asean Community in 2015, the chance of any conflict within the region is down to a very minimal because differences would be resolved amicably and through negotiations," he further said. Najib added that the time has come to make way for a global movement of peace, to wipe out intolerance and prejudice as well as ignorance and selfishness to stop the cycle of violence.