Zee Media Bureau
United Nations: The UN experts on Sunday started probing seven more cases of chemical attacks in Syria, with three of them said to have taken place after the August 21 chemical gas attack.

The three attacks that allegedly happened after the deadly August 21 attack that the US said claimed 1429 lives, were on August 22 in Bahhariyeh, near Damascus, on August 24 in the Jubar district of the capital, and a seventh incident reported in Ashrafiyeh Sahnaya, Damascus province, on August 25, reports said. The UN inspectors’ probe is expected to wrap up by Monday and is different from that of international inspectors who would start their work on Tuesday to clean up the 1,000-ton stock of sarin, mustard gas and other deadly chemicals.
The mission by Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) will run separately and will require over 200 inspectors.


UN leader Ban Ki-moon called the operation "daunting" after the UN security council voted on Friday to eliminate President Bashar al-Assad`s chemical arms.

The mission by the which polices the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention, will run in parallel to a UN investigation into a huge sarin gas attack in Damascus in August and other suspected attacks.

Final details of a US-Russia plan to dispose of stockpiles at an estimated 45 sites have still not been agreed, UN diplomats said.

Clean-ups of chemical nasties have been staged in Iraq and Libya, but never in the middle of a raging war.

The UN says the Syrian conflict has already left more than 100,000 dead.

The United States and Russia have embarked on voluntary programs to destroy their chemical arsenals. But they have both have asked the OPCW for a deadline extension because the task is so complicated.

Both countries have the furnaces to dispose of the chemicals, but Russia has indicated it is reluctant to accept Syrian arms. With Agency Inputs