Washington: A majority of US voters said that they do not trust country`s media`s fact-checking of presidential candidates` statements.


The new Rasmussen Reports poll released on Friday found that when it comes to fact-checking presidential candidates` statements, almost two in three likely US voters do not trust the media, with only 29 per cent saying otherwise.

The distrust of media is deeper among Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump`s supporters, with 88 per cent believing that US media are biases, Xinhua cited the poll as saying.

By contrast, almost six in ten Democrat Hillary Clinton`s supporters trust media fact-checking.

While Clinton was criticised for shunning media by rarely holding a press conference, Trump wrangled with the media after his usually contradictory statements on issues such as Iraqi War and controversial remarks were scrutinised by the media.

The media bombardment began late July after Trump derisively answered criticism from Khizr Khan, the father of a Muslim American solider killed by a suicide bomber in Iraq.