India's rising badminton star Dhruv Kapila, who was part of the team which won the historic Thomas Cup for the country for first time, has said that he is keen on getting better everyday along with his partner Arjun and believes that the pair can come out of the shadow of India’s top double combination of Satwiksairaj Rankireddy and Chirag Shetty. Dhruv alongside his partner MR Arjun played a key role last month, when the Indian team were crowned Thomas Cup champions. 


In an exclusive interview with Zee News English, Dhruv spoke about his badminton journey from the age of just 10, lessons from senior doubles team of Satwiksairaj Rankireddy and Chirag Shetty and about his favourite Indian shuttler. Excerpts from an exclusive interview… 

After being part of the Thomas Cup winning team, what’s your next goal? 

DK: It’s the same (motivation), like before the Thomas Cup when we were quite ready for the challenges. So we have the Indonesia Open coming up and I’m leaving for it this Saturday (June 10) and we are expecting it to go well. After that we have a break because maybe I will be playing the Singapore Open and then I have a major tournament coming up, which is the World Championship, so yeah we are keeping the same motivation just like the Thomas Cup. 

Being 22 years of age, how difficult is it to be away from your family almost all the time? 

DK: It’s quite a struggle, when I was 10 years old, I came here (academy), since then I am here only. Obviously it was very difficult for me at that time and for my parents too to send me away but I think the struggle paid off. In the beginning, it was very difficult because I was not getting the results I wanted when I was young.  I guess when I was 15 years old, that’s when I won the first All-India event and that was the turning point in my career. 

What do you look learn from seniors like Satwiksairaj Rankireddy and Chirag Shetty? 

DK: I really try to learn everything, whether it’s chemistry or anything. I know that we are kind of rivals but there is nothing behind the back and there’s no grudge between us. They always help us, whether it’s on-court or off-court. They are always motivating us and helping us with the diet and everything.” 

Who’s the best shuttler from India in all three categories? 

If you ask me about women’s singles – Saina Nehwal and PV Sindhu. In the men’s category, I think Lakshya (Sen) and (Kidambi) Srikant are doing pretty well and in the doubles category I would say my name because I want to be the best and I will be the best. 

How is IOS helping you with your journey? 

DK: I think I just signed up with IOS a week before and they are very helpful and always interested in schedule. It's a great feeling to sign up with a company like IOS and I am looking forward to it.” 

Do you think you and MR Arjun can surpass the achievements of Satwik-Chirag in the future? 

DK: Yes definitely, why not? I don’t think like why we cannot, I think we can in the future and we will do it for sure. I’m pretty confident about it and we will keep on getting better.