New Delhi: Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan, who turned 52-years-old on Tuesday, addressed a press conference on the occasion of his birthday today and spoke about his films' success, fitness and lots more. Amidst all this, the 'PK' hunk also came across a question which sort of perplexed him!


Interestingly, Mr perfectionist instantly distanced himself from the idea of joining politics.

“No, politics is not for me. I feel there is a lot I can contribute by staying in the creative field that I am in. And, as an artist/creative person, there is a lot I can contribute to the society and nation. I would like to do that from where I am. I don’t want to change that,” Aamir replied when he was asked about his plans to join politics, according to an ANI video.

He has often expressed his voice on various social issues and more often than not, landed in controversy. Currently, Aamir and his team are working hard to solve water scarcity in Maharashtra.

We wish Aamir all the very best to keep up the good work.