New Delhi: Bollywood singer Aditya Narayan, who was recently caught-on-cam misbehaving with IndiGo ground staff, is now getting all sorts of attention on social media. But, some funny brains of the cyber-space have given the incident a hilarious twist. 


For the unversed, the 30-year-old vocalist had an extremely unpleasant argument at Raipur airport after he was asked to cough up Rs 13,000 for excess baggage. The airline said that Aditya also used 'unparliamentary' language while arguing with a woman staff member.

"Teri chaddi na utari, mera naam Aditya Narayan nahin hai," he can be seen shouting to a person ( a male staff) in the viral clip. (It roughly translates to 'my name is not Aditya Narayan if I don’t strip you'.) 

Well, who could have thought that his remark will soon turn into a meme! Check out tweets:

However, Narayan was later issued a boarding pass after he apologised to the ground staff.