New Delhi: Filmmaker-director Mahesh Bhatt turned 73 years old on Monday (September 20). Mahesh celebrated his special day with daughters Pooja Bhatt, Alia Bhatt and her boyfriend Ranbir Kapoor. Alia had also later shared the photos from the celebration on her Instagram in which Mahesh’s wife Soni Razdan and daughter Shaheen Bhatt can be seen being part of the celebration via a video call. “73 years young! Happy birthday papa,” Alia had captioned her post.
Alia’s mother Soni also took to Instagram to share an adorable post for her ‘jaan’. “Happy Birthday my my jaan and everything else in between.May you be forever young and full of life And live as long as the tree you’re standing under too,” the veteran actress had captioned her post.
Shaheen Bhatt, sharing a photo of Mahesh Bhatt, called it the ‘greatest privilege of her life’ to call him her dad. “Getting to call you my father is one of my greatest joys and the privilege of my life. Thank you for your infallible companionship and for all that you are. Happy birthday,” Shaheen wrote in a birthday post for her father.
Mahesh Bhatt has four kids. Pooja Bhatt and Rahul Bhatt are his children from his first marriage to Kiran Bhatt earlier known as Lorraine Bright whereas Shaheen Bhatt and Alia Bhatt are his kids from his second marriage to Soni Razdan. Mahesh and Soni have been married to each other since 1986. Before tying the knot, the two were seeing each other and it was resented by young Pooja Bhatt.
"There was resentment early on. She was this evil seductress who took their papa away. I let them (Pooja and Rahul) express their rage and anger," Mahesh Bhatt revealed in a 1998 interview with Simi Garewal. In the same interview, Soni had revealed, "It was there at first for a while, but that went away over the years. We get along well now, but we had our fight. There were problems when we weren’t married but after that, once I got married to him, we have been very very good to reach each other."
Mahesh Bhatt kids now get along very well with each other and are often seeing praising one another. Pooja Bhatt and Alia Bhatt had also featured in Mahesh Bhatt's directorial Sadak 2 in 2020. The film had failed to impress critics and viewers alike.
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