Mumbai: Actor Arjun Kapoor on Wednesday strongly reacted to the reports of his girlfriend Malaika Arora being pregnant. He took to Instagram Story, shared a screenshot, and slammed the fake news. He wrote, "This is the lowest that you could have gone and you have done it by being casual, insensitive and absolutely unethical in carrying garbage news. This journalist has been writing such pieces regularly and getting away with it because we tend to ignore these fake gossip articles while they spread across media and become the truth. This is not done. Don`t dare to play with our personal lives." Meanwhile, Malaika also slammed the report in her Instagram story and called it disgusting.


One of the leading entertainment portals claimed that Arjun and Malaika were expecting their first child together. Malaika and Arjun have been dating for quite some time now. However, it was not until a couple of years ago that both decided to make their relationship public. 

Even after all the trolling because of the 12-year age gap between them, Malaika and Arjun never fail to shower on each other on social media. 

Meanwhile, on the work front, Arjun will be next seen in director Aasmaan Bhardwaj`s dark comedy film `Kuttey` alongside Radhika Madan, Tabu and Konkana Sen Sharma. The film is all set to hit the theatres on January 13, 2023. Apart from that, he has the action thriller `The Lady Killer` along with actor Bhumi Pednekar in his kitty. On the other hand, Malaika will be seen in `Moving with Malaika` which will stream on Disney+ Hotstar from December 5 onwards.