The arrival of Bhojpuri film artists is continuing non-stop in Uttar Pradesh's Ayodhya and the latest Bhojpuri actor to visit the temple town was Ritesh Pandey. It may be recalled that few days ago Bhojpuri actress Akshara Singh had also visited Ayodhya.


Talking to Zee Media, Pandey said that Sanatan religion is the world's oldest religion and Ayodhya is a special place because it is the birthplace of Lord Ram. Pandey said that Ayodhya is a place of attraction for billions of people.

Pandey also talked about the death of Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput and the drugs racket in the film industry. He said that action must be taken by the government to end the influence of drugs in Bolywood.

Referring to Sushant's death, the Bhojpuri actor said that it is not right to hold anyone responsible for the death of the actor and the law should take its own course in this case.

It is to be noted that Ayodhya is now gearing up to witness a star-studded Ramlila this Dussehra. According to reports, a host of popular Bollywood celebrities, including actors and singers, will participate in this year’s Ramlila, which will be the first to be held since the construction of the Ram temple began in Ayodhya.

Popular Bhojpuri film star and Gorakhpur BJP MP Ravi Kishan, Delhi BJP MP and singer-actor Manoj Tiwari, actor Vindu Dara Singh, veteran actors Raja Murad, Shahbaz Khan, Ritu Shivpuri and famous comedian Asrani will portray various characters from 'Ramayana'.