New Delhi: Actor Karan Singh Grover has been ruling hearts as an actor, but now, he's making his fans go gaga over him for his real-life personality. The actor is an all-rounder who not only aces his roles to the T but is also a perfect family man and a friend. He perfectly juggles between work and family time, and his latest video is proof. In the video, shared by Bipasha Basu, Karan is seen painting with his daughter Devi.  


Ever since the video made it to the social media platform, fans have been pouring their love for Karan as well as his daughter. "Her cute little fingers and those hair uff mashaallah. And K you got a painting partner now fr life," a fan's comment read, while another comment read, "This is so lovely!! All love all around." Not just a doting father, Karan is also an equally great partner to Bipasha. The actress has often spoken about her bond with Karan and how he is an equal partner to her. She has also spoken about how he took care of her during and post the pregnancy. 

In fact, Grover served some major son-in-law goals when he dropped a post for his mother-in-law on her birthday. "Wish you a very very very happy birthday Ma! @mumu_basu Thank you for Ma for manifesting this beautiful reality that we are all a part of. You are the creator of all of this! You are a true goddess! Happy happy happy birthday Ma! Love you so much," the post read. 

On the work front, the actor, who has been ruling the screens for over a decade, recently showcased his acting prowess as ‘Squadron Leader Sartaj 'Taj' Gill’ in Siddharth Anand's ‘Fighter’. The actor, who has been receiving immense love for his role, is now looking forward to several interesting projects, which he will announce soon.