New Delhi: The CBI has entered Day 3 of its investigation in actor Sushant Singh Rajput's death case. Today, one team will be questioning Sushant's flatmate Siddharth Pithani, his cook Neeraj and another domestic help Deepesh Sawant while another team reached Water Stone Resort in Mumbai where Sushant was allegedly made to stay there for a long time by his girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty. As per earlier updates, Sushant's counselling also happened at this place and his bank statements too showed payments for his stay here.


Meanwhile, the CBI sleuths also arrived at the Hinduja Hospital where Sushant was taking his treatment. Dr Kesari Chawda, a consultant doctor at the hospital, was treating the actor.

Sushant's family had mentioned in the FIR that some doctors were also involved in this whole conspiracy. 

On Friday, CBI officials interrogated Siddharth Pithani and Neeraj on many important details pertaining to June 13 and 14, the day Sushant died. On Saturday, a team visited the actor's Bandra home to reconstruct the sequence of events. The team left Sushant's home at around 8 pm, after spending more than five hours there. The team was accompanied by Neeraj, Deepesh Sawant and Siddharth Pithani. The trio was present in the flat when Sushant was found hanging in his room.