Washington: Singer Demi Lovato has recently suffered a facial injury. Lovato got injuries right before appearing on "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" recently, Billboard reported.


Lovato first opened up about the incident in a TikTok post on Wednesday. Later she talked about the injury in detail on the show.

"So I was picking something up off the floor that I dropped. I`m a huge fan of crystals. I have literally a huge amethyst that is about this tall. I went to bend down to pick something up and I didn`t see the amethyst and I hit my head and I had to get three stitches last night in my face," the 29-year-old explained.


She continued, "I called my doctor and I was like, `Hey, I just hit my face. Do I need stitches?` So he was like, `FaceTime me.` So we FaceTimed, and I was like, `I have Kimmel tomorrow. What do I do?` So I did what any sane person would do, and made a TikTok before I even told anyone about it."

Lovato poked fun at their injury via TikTok in a video featuring one of the app`s most popular audios, and had one hand covering part of their forehead and eye. "Nobody`s gonna know," a voice said in the TikTok audio. "They`re gonna know," another voice replied, as Lovato took her hand to reveal a slightly bloody scar. "F-k!" she mouthed in the video.

Meanwhile, on the work front, Lovato recently unveiled her new song `Substance`, which is written by Lovato, Oak, Keith Sorrells, Alex Niceforo, Laura Veltz, and Jordan Lutes, and produced by Oak, Sorrells, and Niceforo.