New Delhi: In the wake of the novel coronavirus pandemic, legendary actor Dilip Kumar on Monday tweeted to say he is under "complete isolation and quarantine" as a precautionary measure. He also said that his actress-wife Saira Banu is ensuring he did not contract any infection.


"I am under complete isolation and quarantine due to the coronavirus outbreak. Saira has left nothing to chance, ensuring I do not catch any infection," read the 97-year-old actor's health update on Twitter.

He further appealed to people to protect themselves by staying indoors as much as possible.

"The coronavirus outbreak transcends all boundaries and borders. Follow guidelines issued by health departments, protect yourself and others by limiting your exposure to others," Dilip Kumar said.

In India, there are an estimated 125 positive cases for COVID-19 with three deaths reported from Maharashtra, Karnataka and Delhi. 

All shooting and production work has been halted in India in the light of the spurt in cases of the highly contagious virus, which has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Meanwhile, Dilip Kumar is recuperating from severe backache. Last week, Saira Banu tweeted to inform that he consulted a doctor for the same and is doing better.

In a career spanning almost five decades, Dilip Kumar has worked in several blockbuster films. He was honoured with the Padma Bhushan in 1991 for his contributions towards Indian cinema and he received the Dadasaheb Phalke Award in 1994.