Mumbai: Former Bigg Boss contestant Sofia Hayat is apparently in a hospital undergoing treatment for her injury she suffered following a car crash at fair ground bumper car ride.


She took to Instagram to share an image of hers on a wheel chair and a series of other photographs to narrate her ordeal.

Here’s how she described the accident: “I am at the hospital. I can't walk. :( send me healing energy. Hoping its not seriouse. I jever have accidents! I was in a fair ground bumper car and crashed and my car. My knee is swollen and bruised. Luckily we met Vlads friend 2 mins after by chance. They rushed me to the hospital in Accident and Emergency. Waiting now. Cross fingers.”

Check out the images below:

Hayat, who is now married to London-based entrepreneur Vlad Stanescu had decided to remain single and lead life like a nun. She had posted multiple photographs as Gaia Mother Sofia and had even spoken about her spiritual leanings.