New Delhi: Several online games and challenges have taken over social media amid the coronavirus lockdown. As of now, the trend that netizens are going gaga about is the ‘Pillow Challenge’. Yes, that’s now a thing too. Singer Neha Kakkar also took up the challenge and went viral with her post. So, what exactly is it? We’ll tell you.


Under the ‘Pillow Challenge’, people are using their pillows or their covers as dresses and accessorising them with stylish belts and handbags. It’s trending on social media like anything.

Among the Bollywood celebs, Neha seems to have taken the challenge first. In the TikTok videos, she can be seen acing the ‘Pillow Challenge’ and giving it a stylish touch with her song playing in the background.

Hollywood star Hally Berry also seems to be in awe of the ‘Pillow Challenge’.

Here’s how the netizens responded to the ‘Pillow Challenge’:

What do you think about the ‘Pillow Challenge’? Tell us in the comments section below.