New Delhi: Kangana Ranaut hosted a brunch for the team of her upcoming movie ‘Dhaakad’ on New Year’s day (January 1). Arjun Rampal and his partner Gabriella Demetriades also attended the bash. Kangana shared pics and videos from the get together on her social media accounts.


Taking to Twitter, Kangana, sharing photos with the guests, wrote, “Cheers to our Dhaakad team and our Chief.... our director Razy Ghai he is India’s top advert film maker, it’s his first film but so privileged to work with him, he is amazing.”

Have a look at her tweet:


Kangana, who was in her hometown in Himachal Pradesh, returned to Mumbai recently. The actress had visited Mumba Devi and Shri Siddhivinayak temple on December 29, 2020 and shared pictures from her visit.