New Delhi: Kangana Ranaut is one such actress who is famous for speaking whatever comes to her mind. On Sunday morning, she took to her Instagram Stories and shared her views on Twitter’s new policy regarding charges for bluetick holders. While she praised the move, she also said that she doesn’t understand the idea of verification on the platform. 


"Twitter is the best social media platform that is there right now, it is intellectually / ideologically motivated not about looks or lifestyle, I could never understand the idea of verification that some selected few get, as if others don't have an authentic existence, for example, I will get verified but if my father wants a blue tick then 3-4 clowns will dismiss his very identity as if he is living some illegal life... Everyone who has an Aadhar card must get varied simple as that ( cont)." 

"Also paying a certain amount to maintain a Twitter account will only help it build its integrity, there are no free lunches in this world, have you ever thought all these platforms that you access freely how do they sustain themselves? They don't just sell data, they make you a part of them, influence you and then sell you (your voice/consciousness) every single minute of the day, and that's why there is no free will is such platforms, so it's not a bad idea to try to build a self-sustaining SM (social media) platform... It is easy to arm twist a bankrupt company even if it intends to hold a high value system sooner or later it will have a price tag..." she added. 

Kangana’s Twitter account for permanently suspended for violating norms in May 2021. Now, let’s see what happens as Elon Musk has taken over Twitter as the new owner. 

On the work front, Kangana Ranaut is currently shooting for her upcoming film ‘Emergency’ in which she is playing the role of former PM Indira Gandhi. This will also mark her debut as a solo director.