New Delhi: Days after Bollywood actor Arjun Kapoor unveiled Padmini Kolhapure's look from their upcoming film Panipat, melody queen Lata Mangeshkar has showered praise on her niece Padmini. 


Taking to Twitter, Lata wrote, "Namaskar. Meri bhaanji Padmini Kolhapure ek bahut acchi kalakar hai aur ab woh Panipat is film mein Gopika bai ka kirdaar nibha rahi hai. Main Padmini ko aashirwad deti hun aur Ashutosh aur unki team ko shubhkaamanayein deti hun."

Mangeshkar also shared the first look of Padmini as Gopika Bai as Panipat.

The film starring Arjun Kapoor in the lead role is based on the famous battle of Panipat, which was fought between Marathas and the invaders of Afghanistan. The film will feature Arjun as the Maratha warrior, Sadashiv Rao Bhau.

Apart from Sanjay, Arjun and Kriti, the film also features Zeenat Aman and Padmini Kolhapure.

Helmed by Ashutosh Gowarikar, Panipat will hit the screens on December 6, 2019.