New Delhi: The eagerly awaited film Thandel, starring Yuva Samrat Naga Chaitanya and Sai Pallavi, is all set to release its second single, Shiva Shakti, on December 22nd at the sacred ghats of Kashi. Directed by Chandoo Mondeti and produced by Bunny Vasu under the prestigious Geetha Arts banner, the film is presented by Allu Aravind. The highly anticipated track promises to offer a mesmerizing musical experience, paired with stunning visuals that capture the rich cultural heritage of Srikakulam and the ancient Sri Mukhalingam Shiva temple.


The launch event will take place amidst the divine setting of Kashi, and the song is expected to be a visual and auditory celebration, showcasing the vibrancy of the Jathara festival. Shiva Shakti, choreographed by Sekhar Master, features Naga Chaitanya and Sai Pallavi in powerful Shiva and Shakti poses, radiating intense energy and spirituality. The song’s poster adds to the anticipation, with the lead pair surrounded by a massive crowd, dressed in traditional attire, symbolizing the divine theme of the song.

Already creating a buzz, the film’s first single, Bujji Thalli, has topped music charts, amassing over 30 million views. Composed by Rockstar Devi Sri Prasad, the music of Thandel continues to garner praise for its dynamic and engaging score.

The film features an impressive technical crew, with National Award-winning composer Devi Sri Prasad providing the music, Shamdat handling cinematography, and Naveen Nooli editing the film. The art direction is led by Srinagendra Tangala, with Vamsi-Shekar serving as the PROs and FirstShow managing the marketing.

With a grand scale production and a compelling narrative, Thandel is all set to hit theaters on February 7th, 2024.