MUMBAI: On Anil Kapoor's birthday, Prime Video, in collaboration with Opening Image Films and Anil Kapoor Film & Communication Network (AKFCN), today treated fans to a spectacular surprise—a sneak peek into the highly anticipated Original movie, Subedaar. The film, set against the backdrop of India’s heartland, delves into the gripping journey of Subedaar Arjun Maurya, who now faces the turbulence of civilian life.


Featuring the dynamic Anil Kapoor, alongside the talented Radhikka Madan, who plays his daughter, Subedaar is helmed by the acclaimed director Suresh Triveni. An Opening Image Films and Anil Kapoor Film & Communication Network (AKFCN) production, this masala action-packed drama recently wrapped an intense outdoor shoot in UP and is set to commence its last leg of filming in January.


The first look kicks off with gritty visuals, accompanied by an adrenaline-pumping Subedaar theme track that captivates from the very beginning and keeps you hooked until the end. Anil Kapoor’s commanding presence is electrifying as he embodies a rugged and intense persona with absolute finesse. The video, with its escalating tension, offers a glimpse into what can only be described as a full-throttle, powerhouse performance by Kapoor.

Anil Kapoor shares, "Subedaar is special!!! It’s much more than just an action film; it’s about resilience, honor, family and the relentless fight we face in life. I could not have asked a better director than Suresh to captain this film and it is equally special to partner with Vikram and team as we bring this story to life. Revealing this first glimpse of Subedaar Arjun Maurya on my birthday is my gift to the fans who have supported me all these years!"

Subedaar, is an Opening Image Films and Anil Kapoor Film & Communication Network (AKFCN) production. Directed by Suresh Triveni, the Original movie is produced by Vikram Malhotra, Anil Kapoor, and Suresh Triveni.

The compelling narrative is written by Suresh Triveni and Prajwal Chandrashekar.