New Delhi: Since quite a while now, reports of Indian megastar Rajinikanth joining politics have been doing the rounds. But, the 66-year-old actor never confirmed the same. On Monday, Hindu Makkal Katchi leader Arjun Sampath and General Secretary Ravikumar met Rajinikanth at his residence, this has triggered further speculations regarding the veteran's innings in politics. 


"His (Rajinikanth) response was good, he says he wants to do something for Tamil Nadu and country. He will consider joining politics," said Arjun. However, Rajini had something different to tell about his meeting with the Hindu Makkal Katchi.

"It was just a courtesy visit by leaders of Hindu Makkal Katchi," explained Rajinikanth.

Well, it is still not definite whether or not the 'Kabali' actor will enter politics but his latest meeting has surely got his fans into a tizzy.

(With ANI inputs)