Mumbai: Ranbir Kapoor recently got candid about his life and more. The Animal star even admitted to taking therapy for his mental illness before his father Rishi Kapoor's death. Rishi Kapoor's death has left a huge impact on Ranbir and to date, the actor hasn't overcome his father's death. Talking about seeking mental help before the loss of his father, he said to Nikhil Kamath in his interview ," Firstly, because I couldn’t express myself completely to the therapist. Secondly, the therapist, in some way, was teaching me how to manipulate life".


Ranbir further added that he went on to share a page from his self-reflection and said that one can overcome all such emotions by self-educating on certain things. Ranbir even advised that be it a male or female one can seek medical help and there is no shame in taking help. " I feel whether it is a man or a woman, if they aren’t well mentally, there is no shame in taking help. There is no shame in crying about it, and the people who love you will understand."

The actor even highlighted that it's easy to tackle quietly with a lot of grace. He even added that it's very important to address the problem and find a solution.

Ranbir Kapoor was largely slammed by the netizens over his statement that how Alia Bhatt his wife changed his loud tone for him as it rattled him. But till now he hadn't made any changes for her. The actor was called a toxic husband. 

On the professional front, Ranbir Kapoor will be seen next in Nitesh Tiwari's Ramayana along with south actress Sai Pallavi.