Mumbai: Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor, Bollywood’s favourite power couple, welcomed the New Year with heartwarming family moments, leaving fans swooning over their adorable bond. The couple, who became parents to baby Raha Kapoor in November 2022, spent their holiday vacation together, and Alia recently treated fans to glimpses of their celebrations on social media.


Among the photos shared, one image stood out—a candid shot of Ranbir Kapoor lovingly kissing Alia while their daughter, Raha, looked on in the sweetest way possible. The intimate family moment radiates warmth and has quickly become a fan favourite. Raha, dressed in a cute winter outfit, seems to be mesmerised by her parents’ love, adding an extra dose of cuteness to the photo.



Alia captioned her post with, "2025: where love leads & the rest just follows..!! Happy New Year all”, perfectly summarising the joyous mood of her vacation. The carousel of pictures included serene landscapes, cosy family moments, and Alia enjoying some downtime amidst nature and the beach. While Alia and Ranbir have always been private about their personal life, these rare glimpses are cherished by their fans. The pictures also featured scenic views along with Alia posing with her favourite family members. 

Alia’s post quickly went viral, garnering millions of likes and thousands of comments. Fans couldn’t stop gushing over the couple’s chemistry and the precious family moment.

Since the arrival of Raha, both Ranbir and Alia have embraced parenthood with open arms. In previous interviews, Alia shared how becoming a mother has been a transformative experience for her, while Ranbir has often spoken about how Raha has brought unparalleled joy to his life.