Mumbai: Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone were spotted at the airport last evening with their baby girl, Dua Padukone Singh, in tow. It was Ranveer’s sweet gesture of asking the paparazzi to keep the noise down so as not to disturb Dua’s sleep that melted hearts.


As the family arrived at the airport, Ranveer and Deepika posed for the paparazzi with their usual charm. While the cameras flashed incessantly, Ranveer was seen politely requesting the photographers to lower their voices. He said, “Thoda araam se, baby so rahi hai.” His concern for his daughter’s comfort highlighted his doting fatherly side, earning him even more love from fans.Netizens praised Ranveer’s gesture, calling it “heartwarming” and “relatable for every parent.”


Ranveer and Deepika, who welcomed baby Dua on September 8, 2024, have been embracing parenthood with open arms. The couple has made fewer public appearances since Dua’s birth, dedicating most of their time to their daughter. 

On the work front, Ranveer Singh has an exciting lineup of projects. The actor is currently prepping for a film with Aditya Dhar, with leaked pictures from the set already creating buzz. Fans are also eagerly waiting to see him in Don 3, where he will take on the iconic role of Don.

Deepika Padukone, on the other hand, is taking her time before announcing her next project. The actress, who has had a phenomenal career so far, seems to be enjoying her time with her family before diving back into work.