Mumbai: Bollywood actors Shraddha Kapoor and Alia Bhatt engaged in a fun banter on Saturday after the `Raazi` actor dropped a video on social media in which she is seen doing cardio while listening to the song `Tere Pyaar Mein` from the film `Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar`. "Filhaal hum toh sirf Cardio ke pyaar mein bheege bheege bheege @shraddhakapoor #TerePyaarMein on loop dada," Alia captioned the post. 


Soon after she posted the video, Shraddha quickly reacted to the clip and called out Ranbir to use his own Instagram account. Shraddha wrote, "Uffff you cutestest @aliabhatt," she wrote, adding, "P.S: Yeh kya Makkaari hai Ranbir? Apne real id se aao." 

Replying to her post, Alia wrote, "Hahaha good luck making that happen my fellow fishy." To which the `Aashiqui 2` actor reacted, "Bohot ho gaya! Chal iske (real) fake id ko expose karte hai." Ranbir doesn`t have a verified account on any social media platforms yet. So, Shraddha might have just hinted towards the `Shamshera` actor having an anonymous account. 

Watch the video here

Helmed by Luv Ranjan `Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar` is an upcoming romantic comedy film which is all set to hit the theatres on March 8, 2023. Recently the makers of the film unveiled the first song of the film `Tere Pyaar Mein` which got massive responses from the fans.  

`Tere Pyaar Mein` oozes freshness and romance. The song is composed by Pritam, sung by none other than Arijit Singh along with Nikhita Gandhi, and has lyrics penned by Amitabh Bhattacharya. With Ranbir and Shraddha`s presence, the song looks like a beautiful combination of love and liveness that strikes the right chord with the youth.