Salman Khan, Bollywood’s beloved superstar, celebrated his 59th birthday in Jamnagar with his family and the Ambani family. Following his birthday festivities, the actor attended the grand 25th-anniversary event of Reliance’s Jamnagar refinery. Social media is now abuzz with videos capturing memorable moments from the celebration.


In one viral clip, Salman is seen grooving to his legendary track "Oh Oh Jaane Jaana." Holding the microphone, he joins singer Stebin Ben in a lively performance, much to the delight of the cheering crowd. Dressed in a stylish mustard jacket layered over a black T-shirt, Salman exuded his signature charm.

Another touching video shows Salman warmly greeting Kokilaben Ambani. The actor’s heartfelt hug and Kokilaben’s smile have melted fans’ hearts, showcasing a beautiful moment of warmth and respect.

Watch the video here: 



The Khan family’s journey to Jamnagar was no less special. They traveled in a private jet, a moment captured in a video shared by Sohail Khan, showing the family enjoying quality time together. Singer Iulia Vantur, rumoured to be dating Salman, also joined the celebration.

On the professional front, Salman Khan is keeping busy as the host of the 18th season of Bigg Boss. He is also working on his upcoming film "Sikandar," directed by AR Murugadoss. Co-starring Rashmika Mandanna and Kajal Aggarwal, the film is set to hit theatres on Eid 2025, promising another blockbuster performance from the superstar.