Mumbai: Actor Sanjay Mishra, whose supporting acts have often been counted among highlights of the films he works in, finally gets to play the lead role in the upcoming film "Kaamyaab". Mishra says he is happy that the film is being critically appreciated.


"I'm getting appreciation from every corner. It is like climbing the steps of a ladder. Now, I feel I have reached a prominent position in my career. Earlier, people could have pushed me off the ladder but abhi maine khamba pakad liya hai (now I am firmly holding on to a poll), boss! People have liked the trailer of the film and the media has given a standing ovation to the film. That's not regular scene for me so, it feels really nice," said Mishra, at the film's premiere, which he attended with the film's director Hardik Mehta on Wednesday in Mumbai.

"Kaamyaab" tells the story of an ageing Bollywood sidekick who decides to make a comeback when he realises his filmography is one short of 500 films.

Talking about Mishra's performance, director Hardik Mehta said: "Sanjay sir has played many T-20 matches (supporting roles), but in this film he has played a Test match (lead role). I think he has played really well. You will think of Sir Don Bradman while watching him, so let's see how the audience responds to the film. I am thankful to critics and other people who have appreciated the film. I want people who are in love with Hindi cinema to come and watch the film."