The Mumbai Police is known for their witty and humorous tweets promoting safety and traffic rules. They have once again caught everyone’s attention with a delightful message dedicated to Bollywood icon Shah Rukh Khan. It happened during Shah Rukh Khan’s #AskSRK session on June 25, where the actor commemorated his 31-year journey in the film industry. Amid the numerous questions asked during the session, one particular enquiry stood out and garnered a response from the Mumbai Police. A fan expressed awe over SRK’s iconic entry scene in the song, Koi Na Koi Chahiye Pyaar Karne Waala from his debut movie, Deewana.


The fan asked how he felt watching that epic entry even after 31 years. In his characteristically witty yet thoughtful manner, Shah Rukh Khan replied, “Should have worn a helmet.”



The Mumbai Traffic Police promptly noticed this mention of helmet safety and praised the actor with a clever tweet saying, “Swades or Pardes, safety ka Badshah #HelmetHaiNa.”

It was truly an epic remark.



The impact of #HelmetHaiNa campaign has been huge. It raised awareness among citizens about the dangers of riding without proper helmets. Emphasising that safety should never be compromised, it has saved many lives.

Amid the playful banter, SRK also addressed questions about his movie choices. One fan asked whether he now considers the commercial aspect or if he is open to roles/movies different from what he has done before, citing examples like "Swades."

Shah Rukh Khan responded by saying that he now tries to align with the vision of the director rather than just envisioning himself in the role. "I now try and do the kind of film the particular director wants to do….not only what I see myself as,” SRK replied.



The Mumbai Police once again demonstrated their ability to engage and educate the public in a fun and relatable manner, while Shah Rukh Khan's wit and humility shone through in his responses. This light-hearted interaction between the superstar and the police department showcased the power of social media in fostering positive conversations and promoting important messages.