Mumbai: Shah Rukh Khan showed off his courage and valour during the time of his son Aryan Khan's drug case. It is so claimed by many apart that Shah Rukh Khan was extremely upset with the media during that phase and to date, he hasn't forgiven them. While for the first time ever Shah Rukh Khan addressed the toughest phase of his life and how the entire family dealt with it. 


While receiving the best actor award for Jawan at IIFA Awards 2024, SRK in his speech said, "I want to thank all other nominees – Ranveer Singh, Ranbir Kapoor, Vikrant Massey – he was great in the film – Vicky Kaushal, Sunny Paji. I think all of them were great, but I got an edge because people were happy that I worked after so long”. 

Shah Rukh Khan won millions of hearts with his performance at the IIFA Awards show as he was co-hosting with Vicky Kaushal. Vicky too posted a heartfelt note after hosting the show along with King Khan.