Shahid Kapoor’s upcoming action-thriller Deva is building massive anticipation, especially after a recent viral video of the actor dancing to the iconic song "Dhan Te Nan." On New Year's Day 2025, the film's makers released a powerful new poster featuring Shahid in a rugged, charismatic cop avatar, with a background nod to Amitabh Bachchan's legendary ’90s image, sparking nostalgia and excitement among fans.

Shahid Kapoor dancing on the sets of Devaa to his famous song from the movie kaminey
byu/NoProfessionn inBollyBlindsNGossip


The buzz around the film was further amplified when a Reddit video showed Shahid on set, wearing a white shirt and khaki pants, playfully blowing kisses to the crowd before joining in on the energetic "Dhan Te Nan" performance. His high-energy dance moves, alongside the crowd's enthusiasm, quickly went viral on social media, leaving fans in awe of his infectious charisma.

Social media users have been reacting to the video, with one commenting, “Shahid in Deva is gonna be a whole mood—serious action mixed with crazy dance moves? We’re SOOO ready!”

Another praised Shahid’s vibe, saying, “He’s such a vibe here.”

Directed by acclaimed Malayalam filmmaker Rosshan Andrrews, Deva, produced by Zee Studios and Roy Kapur Films, is set to hit theaters on January 31, 2025. Fans can expect an electrifying action-packed experience!