New Delhi: 'Sadda Haq' to 'Ishq Par Zor Nahi,' television actor Param Singh has featured in several popular shows. The actor has a huge fan base and is loved by the audience in every avatar. Recently, in an interview, the actor made some revelations about the time when he had faced a casting couch.


While talking to News18, Param opened up on the same and recalled the shocking incident from his initial career days. When the actor was asked whether he has ever faced a casting couch, he said Yes.

"Yes, I have faced such a situation initially. I wouldn't be able to take the name but I had once gone to meet a casting director for work and he tried getting physical with me. I pushed him away then and almost felt like punching him but he got scared and then I just left," the actor told News18.

Further, he added, "I know how to manage myself and somewhere I feel sad for people who have to go through crap as such. It's not something that is right in spirit. I think we as individuals should take a stand in such situations to avoid mudslinging acts of the sort. One just needs to work hard on their craft and themselves to achieve the results. Yes, the process is slow but it's worth it in the end."