Nick Jonas, the American singer is all over the Internet now for getting engaged to Bollywood Diva Priyanka Chopra. Jonas came to India with his parents on August 16 and the couple had a small Roka ceremony on August 18, at the actress' residence, followed by an engagement party in the evening. The 25-year-old singer flew all the way to India to meet Priyanka's parents and to make his relationship with her official.


The singer has dated a lot of famous personalities in the past. Here are some ladies that Nick Jonas has reportedly dated in the past, before committing to Priyanka.

Miley Cyrus

(Pic Courtesy: Show Still)

Miley Cyrus is an American Singer and actress. The Disney couple came together in 2006 but called it off towards the end of 2007. They again reunited in 2009 but destiny definitely had something else in store for them.

Selena Gomez

(Pic Courtesy: Instagram)

Selena Gomez is a 26-year-old American singer, actress and producer who dated Nick Jonas. While dating Nick, Gomez appeared in Nick Jonas's music video for "Burnin' Up" as his love interest. She called their relationship "like puppy love, you know, it was very sweet," years later, in 2015.

Kate Hudson

(Pic Courtesy: Instagram)

Kate Hudson is an American singer and actress. The award-winning actress dated Nick Jonas in September 2018 and is 14 years older than him. The alleged relationship between Nick Jonas and Kate Hudson did not last very long.

Georgia Fowler

(Pic Courtesy: Instagram)

Georgia Fowler is a model from New Zealand who modelled for Victoria's Secret in 2016. The model was seen attending Nick's brother, Joe Jonas' engagement party, with him. Fowler never confirmed the rumours and prefers not revealing her personal life.

Lily Collins

(Pic Courtesy: Instagram)

Lily Collins is British-American actress, model and writer. Nick Jonas allegedly dated the actress and he first met her in 2009 when they worked together at the Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards in LA. They both have been spotted together many times in the past.