New Delhi: Actress Sonali Kulkarni recently said that women are lazy and just want husbands who earn well. Instead of this, they should stand up for themselves and work. However, as soon as Sonali’s statement went viral on social media, netizens got irked and bashed her for making such a frivolous remark.  


“Father-in-law hit daughter in law with brick in Delhi. Reason - she wanted to do job! 81% of women in India are made housewives by families. @sonalikulkarni Women are not lazy, They are held back by families. Read the data which shows women do a lot more unpaid work than men,” a user wrote in response to her remark. “A country where women do not have the choice to be born, to be educated, to go to a job, to reproductive health, to wealth, to dignity and you want to play victim?,” another user added. 

Earlier, at an event, Sonali Kulkarni had said, "In India, a lot of women are just lazy. They want a boyfriend or husband, who earns well, owns a house, and gets regular increments. But, in the middle of this, women forget to make a stand for themselves. Women don't know what will they do.” She added, “I urge everyone to bring up such women in you houses that are able and can earn for themselves. Who can say that yes, we want a new fridge in the house, you pay for half of it, I will pay the other half." 

She was also criticized by internet sensation Urfi Javed and singer Sona Mohapatra for her remark.