Mumbai: Sonam Kapoor who is married to one of the millionaire businessman Anand Ahuja has jointly purchased the iconic Rhythm house in Mumbai. The actress is making headlines along with her hubby Anand that she has bought the property worth rupees whopping amount of 478 crore. Indeed with this purchase, Sonam has become one of the most influential businesswomen in the industry too. Bhaane Group owned by Sonam and Anand are now the new owner of Rhythm House in Mumbai Bandra. Earlier the property was owned by Nirav Modi who was shut down, as his name was mentioned in the default on billions of dollars of bank loans.


Speaking to Bloomberg News the store confirmed the value of the property which is 3600 square feet, “The stakeholder committee has approved the sale of Rhythm House for 478.4 million rupees”.

Sonam Kapoor got married to Anand Ahuja in 2018 and in 2022 the couple welcomed their first born Vayu Kapoor Ahuja. Sonam has yet to make her comeback in Bollywood ever since Vayu’s born and all her fans are waiting with bated breath to have a glimpse of the diva on celluloid.