New Delhi: Stree 2 created history at the box office and managed to defeat Shah Rukh Khan's biggest blockbuster Pathaan by surpassing its lifetime collection and earning more than Rs 561 cr at the box office in India. While Stree 2 was released with Akshay Kumar’s Khel Khel Mein within a day Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao starrer managed to overpower the film. Stree 2 is still running successfully at the box office and the makers are only astonished to see the massive response. Actors Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao too didn’t imagine the kind of massive success Stree 2 has become. 


In his conversation with the media at the trailer launch of his next film Vicky Vidya Ka Woh Waala Video, when asked about competing with superstars like Shah Rukh Khan and Akshay Kumar as he has managed to surpass their biggest blockbusters and more, Raj very humbly replied" I have learned a lot from them. They are the only ones in my dreams who have watched these films. They are our superstars. And you don't compete with your superstars. You give them love. I am also a fan of theirs."

Further, Raj mentioned he will always look up to them for inspiration," We have learned from them. They will always be my superstars. I will always look up to them."

Raj has always been a confessed Shah Rukh Khan's ardent fan, and he follows him religiously. The actor in one of his interviews had mentioned how it was SRK who advised him to buy a house out of his capacity and only then he can make the house of his dreams. Well, when the generous King speaks, all you do is listen and follow.