New Delhi: A high-level committee headed by finance secretary Ashok Lavasa will submit its final report on payment of allowances to 47 lakh central government employees, to Finance Minister Arun Jaitley this week.


The committee, which was asked to examine the 7th Pay Commission recommendation for abolition of 53 allowances out of a total of 196 and subsuming another 36 into larger existing ones, held a conclusive meeting on April 6, as per sources familiar with the matter.


The committee, at its previous meeting on March 28, had sought comments from the ministries of defence, railways and posts on treatment of 14 allowances. These allowances include accidental allowance, outstation detention allowance, trip allowance, and ghat allowance.

The Lavasa Committee was constituted in June last year after the government implemented the recommendation of the 7th Pay Commission. The Pay Commission had recommended abolition of or subsuming of allowances like acting, assisting cashier, cycle, condiment, flying squad, haircutting, rajbhasha, rajdhani, robe, shoe, shorthand, soap, spectacle, uniform, vigilance and washing.

Out of a total of 196 allowances, it had recommended abolition of 53 and subsuming of another 36 into larger existing ones.