New Delhi: The 11th installment Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) scheme will be released by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday, May 31. The 11th installment of Rs 2,000 for each eligible farmers under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) scheme will be transferred to more than 10 crore farmers on May 31 in Shimla, Himachal Pradesh. 


Prime Minister will release the 11th instalment of financial benefit under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) scheme, which will enable the transfer of an amount of around Rs. 21,000 crore to more than 10 crore beneficiary farmer families. On the occasion, Prime Minister will also interact with the beneficiaries of (PM-KISAN) across the country.

At around 11 AM, Prime Minister will participate in the ‘Garib Kalyan Sammelan’. Garib Kalyan Sammelan’ will start at around 09:45 AM with Chief Ministers, Central Ministers, State Ministers, Members of Parliament,  Members of Legislative Assembly and other elected public representatives directly interacting with the public at their respective locations across the country. At about 11:00 AM, with the Prime Minister joining the programme, the various state and local level programmes will get coveraged and make the Sammelan national. During the Sammelan, Prime Minister will directly interact with the beneficiaries of different programmes of nine Ministries/Departments of the Government of India.

PM KISAN Scheme was launched by PM Narendra Modi in 2019, aims to provide income support to all landholder farmer families across the country with cultivable land, subject to certain exclusions.  Under the Scheme, an amount of Rs 6000 per year is released in three 4-monthly instalments of Rs 2000 each directly into the bank accounts of the beneficiaries. While lakhs of eager farmers are waiting for the disbursal of Rs 2,000 in their account, there are several farmers who are not eligible for the PM KISAN Scheme.