Horoscope Today, December 23 by Astro Sundeep Kochar: Hey Cancer, love is in the air!

Daily horoscope predictions: Check out the astrology forecast for all 12 zodiac signs by ace astrologer Dr Sundeep Kochar. As you begin a new journey, find out what the stars have in store for you today. There are twelve zodiac signs and each has its distinct features. Be it, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces — each of the signs has something unique to tell.  The astrological predictions are by Dr Sundeep Kochar. (Pics courtesy: Representational photos)

Sundeep Kochar Dec 23, 2022, 05:45 AM IST,


Your friends and family might be feeling that you’re not spending enough time with them, as you’ve been in your own headspace for a while. You’re going to want to go out and spend time with friends and family. You’re active and in a good space today. Enjoy your day.



Your heart and mind are both completely in your workplace today. It’s a very productive day for you. Make a list of things you’ve been trying to get done for a while but haven’t been able to. Today you’re going to find yourself getting those things done with your productive energy at its peak.




Your vibes and energy are glowing today. This energy is going to help you in quick problem-solving at your workplace. You might have an innovative idea pop up sometime during the day which you will have to lead. You are in a positive place today, make the most out of it.



Love is in the cards for you today. Your partner is going to plan out a special date for you - and if you’re single, then you’re going to meet someone who you might end up liking. So romance and love are walking towards you today, make sure not to send it away.



Today is all about learning for you. Whether it’s learning a new sport, or skill, or just learning more about the people around you. You will find yourself widening your knowledge today - and this is only going to help you in the future. So, gain all the knowledge you can.



Complications in relationships are due to miscommunication, especially today. So make sure you tell people things exactly how you mean them. If you let them assume things, then you might create problems for both of you.



Today you’ll have to be really patient with things. Whatever you want, and whatever you’re going to get is going to come very slowly. This might irritate you, but keep in mind that it is going to come to you at some time during the day - you just have to be patient.



Put all your focus on the task that you’re given today. If you want a promotion at work, then you need to show your superiors that you are good at what you do, or else they aren’t going to be able to trust you with things at the top level.



If you feel like you’re being wronged today, then speak up. Tell people how you’re feeling and how you’re not being treated right. If you stay quiet, people will think it’s okay to take you for granted. But if you stand up for yourself, they will know that they shouldn’t be messing with you.



You are going to feel extremely energetic and motivated today. This is going to help you finish all your work faster than usual. Spend the free time of your day relaxing at home, and just spending time with your friends and family. Don’t try to find extra work once you’re done with your daily tasks.




Work is what you need to take care of today. Someone at work might be ready to take over your position if you don’t do your work properly. It’s best if you do all your work better than expected, so no one can take your place. A lot of people want your place, but you need to keep it!




Today is a good day for investments and trade. If you’re looking to buy a property or a car, then go ahead and do it. It’s going to be beneficial for you, and you’ll get a good deal on whatever you buy.


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